Journal Prompts: Accomplishments & Achievements

What have been your favourite past achievements? 

What achievements did you feel you worked the hardest on?

What have you accomplished all by yourself?

What have you accomplished through working with others?

Log your accomplishments and achievements (big or small) every month. How do you feel when you look back on them?

Do you feel added pressure with your past achievements in mind? Or do you feel able to take on the world? Or both? Or in-between?

Do you see an accomplishment as merely a finished task? Or do you love it because it utilized your skills? Explore how you see it today.

Do you think that one gets better as time goes on, or do they have to keep working to maintain the same level of skill/quality?

What accomplishments/achievements hold special meaning for you, regardless of its quality?

When you accomplish something, how should you reward yourself?

What are the silver linings in your life's biggest challenges?

Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021
