Journal Prompts: Gratitude
What have you taken for granted in the past? Did something happen to make you rethink that?
What people in your life are the most grateful for?
Has someone ever told you how much they appreciate you?
How have you responded to someone you are grateful for?
When something bad or sad happened to you, what made you count your blessings?
What basic things can you be grateful for (food, shelter, safety, heat, etc.)?
What "little things" in life do you appreciate the most?
Was there a time when you felt un- or under-appreciated? Was that feeling justified? Was it accurate to external factors, or was it more a reflection of yourself at the time?
How can you find joy this week?
What can you do to tell someone you appreciate them?
What makes you happy to be alive?
Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021
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