Journal Prompts: Music

What are your favourite albums/EPs/mixtapes/compilations?

What are your favourite genres? Are you open to new genres or genre-blending?

What are your favourite songs? 

What are your favourite distracting/mood-changing songs?

Put together a seasonal/locational playlist.

What is your "happy"/catharsis/healing playlist(s)?

What are your songs of a specific year?

Do you like listening to live versions of songs you like? Or do you prefer the studio versions?

What songs or lyrics speak directly to you or described you at a certain time in your life?

What are the most obscure songs/genres/artists you like?

What are your least favourite songs/genres/popular music trends?

What is the role of music in your life? In society?

Do you sing or play an instrument? Write about how this has helped you express yourself?

Do you think melody or lyrics are more important in what makes you like a song?

Do you listen to music from other cultures/in other languages?

How do you feel about sampling? What are examples in which it has been done well?

What are your favourite songs from a certain artist/musician?

What "ear worm" songs have gotten stuck in your head?

Play some music for a while. Write down what comes to your mind.

Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021
