Journal Prompts: Opinions

What unpopular opinions do you have?

How much do the negative opinions of others bother you? If they do to a large extent, ask yourself why.

What is a false assumption others make around you?

Are opinions facts? Even coming from yourself? Why or why not?

Are a person's opinions a reflection or projection of themselves? If so, to what degree?

Is an opinion of yours an example of you judging someone or jumping to a conclusion? If so, try and figure out the motivation behind it.

What are your "pet peeves", "berserk buttons", or things you simply cannot stand? Why can you not stand them?

Do you think opinions can be dangerous? If so, for what reasons? Are they similar to why you worry about the opinions of others?

What are 10 things you cannot argue with?

What negative beliefs do you have about yourself? Are they true?

What do you believe in?

Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021
