
Journal Prompts: Other People

Image Who are the most important people in your life? Who do you admire? What historical figures would you have dinner with, living or dead? Who are your best friends? When people you care about are struggling and/or emotional, do you strongly feel their emotions as well? When has a friend supported you through a difficult time? What is your favourite family tradition? What can you do to help someone else or distract them in a good way? Who are the most positive people you know? Write down how you truly feel about someone you care about. Better yet, afterwards, show them what you've written. Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Opinions

Image What unpopular opinions do you have? How much do the negative opinions of others bother you? If they do to a large extent, ask yourself why. What is a false assumption others make around you? Are opinions facts? Even coming from yourself? Why or why not? Are a person's opinions a reflection or projection of themselves? If so, to what degree? Is an opinion of yours an example of you judging someone or jumping to a conclusion? If so, try and figure out the motivation behind it. What are your "pet peeves", "berserk buttons", or things you simply cannot stand? Why can you not stand them? Do you think opinions can be dangerous? If so, for what reasons? Are they similar to why you worry about the opinions of others? What are 10 things you cannot argue with? What negative beliefs do you have about yourself? Are they true? What do you believe in? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Places

Image What are your favourite or "happy" places? What places hold deeper or sadder meanings for you? How do think you will feel if you ever revisit them on a better day? What places would you love to travel to someday? What are your favourite, unique, most enjoyable things about your hometown/where you currently live? What are your favourite fictional places? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Senses

Image What are your favourite foods? What are the best meals you've ever had? What successful recipes have you tried and made? What are your favourite smells or scents? Why? Do they take you back to a certain place or moment in time? What are your favourite sounds? In nature or in the city? Do you prefer warm or cooler climates? Why? What can you see/hear/spot/feel around you to calm yourself down? Do you meditate? What kinds of meditation do you find help you the most? What are your favourite positive images/sights? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Present

Image What can you do to shift yourself and feel present in this moment? What is going right for you at this present time? What can you do to make this present moment better? What is something you love today that you never knew you needed in your life? What is currently going on around you? What's one little thing that makes you worthy in your own eyes right now? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: What's On Your Mind?

Image Do a "brain dump". Write out everything that's occupying your mind, no matter how serious, trivial, nonsensical, inconsequential, or arbitrary. What have you been carrying on your shoulders? How do you think you will feel if you let it go? If something is weighing on your mind, who can you talk to and talk things out with? What can you do to channel your emotions (writing, art, conversation, exercise, etc.)? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Past

Image What are your regrets? Do you think you should dwell on them in the present? How do you feel about your past selves? Do you find it difficult to let things go? Why do you think that is? Do you think any external factors play a part in that difficulty? Consider your regrets and mistakes from the perspective of your best friend or a third person. How do you feel about them now? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021