
Showing posts from April, 2021

Journal Prompts: Other People

Image Who are the most important people in your life? Who do you admire? What historical figures would you have dinner with, living or dead? Who are your best friends? When people you care about are struggling and/or emotional, do you strongly feel their emotions as well? When has a friend supported you through a difficult time? What is your favourite family tradition? What can you do to help someone else or distract them in a good way? Who are the most positive people you know? Write down how you truly feel about someone you care about. Better yet, afterwards, show them what you've written. Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Opinions

Image What unpopular opinions do you have? How much do the negative opinions of others bother you? If they do to a large extent, ask yourself why. What is a false assumption others make around you? Are opinions facts? Even coming from yourself? Why or why not? Are a person's opinions a reflection or projection of themselves? If so, to what degree? Is an opinion of yours an example of you judging someone or jumping to a conclusion? If so, try and figure out the motivation behind it. What are your "pet peeves", "berserk buttons", or things you simply cannot stand? Why can you not stand them? Do you think opinions can be dangerous? If so, for what reasons? Are they similar to why you worry about the opinions of others? What are 10 things you cannot argue with? What negative beliefs do you have about yourself? Are they true? What do you believe in? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Places

Image What are your favourite or "happy" places? What places hold deeper or sadder meanings for you? How do think you will feel if you ever revisit them on a better day? What places would you love to travel to someday? What are your favourite, unique, most enjoyable things about your hometown/where you currently live? What are your favourite fictional places? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Senses

Image What are your favourite foods? What are the best meals you've ever had? What successful recipes have you tried and made? What are your favourite smells or scents? Why? Do they take you back to a certain place or moment in time? What are your favourite sounds? In nature or in the city? Do you prefer warm or cooler climates? Why? What can you see/hear/spot/feel around you to calm yourself down? Do you meditate? What kinds of meditation do you find help you the most? What are your favourite positive images/sights? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Present

Image What can you do to shift yourself and feel present in this moment? What is going right for you at this present time? What can you do to make this present moment better? What is something you love today that you never knew you needed in your life? What is currently going on around you? What's one little thing that makes you worthy in your own eyes right now? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: What's On Your Mind?

Image Do a "brain dump". Write out everything that's occupying your mind, no matter how serious, trivial, nonsensical, inconsequential, or arbitrary. What have you been carrying on your shoulders? How do you think you will feel if you let it go? If something is weighing on your mind, who can you talk to and talk things out with? What can you do to channel your emotions (writing, art, conversation, exercise, etc.)? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Past

Image What are your regrets? Do you think you should dwell on them in the present? How do you feel about your past selves? Do you find it difficult to let things go? Why do you think that is? Do you think any external factors play a part in that difficulty? Consider your regrets and mistakes from the perspective of your best friend or a third person. How do you feel about them now? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Future

Image What are you looking forward to right now? How do you feel about it? What are your anxieties for the future? Have they turned out to be correct in the past? How do you feel about uncertainty? Can you sit with it? Or do you have to find answers for things where there might not be any? Are you excited or nervous about someone else's future? Why? What can you offer to help them? Are there technological advancements that fascinate you? Can you imagine such advancements in fields like medicine, communication, etc? What can you do today to help your future self? What is something that gives you hope? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Music

Image Who is your favourite singer(s) or musician(s)? What are your favourite albums/EPs/mixtapes/compilations? What are your favourite genres? Are you open to new genres or genre-blending? What are your favourite songs?  What are your favourite distracting/mood-changing songs? Put together a seasonal/locational playlist. What is your "happy"/catharsis/healing playlist(s)? What are your songs of a specific year? Do you like listening to live versions of songs you like? Or do you prefer the studio versions? What songs or lyrics speak directly to you or described you at a certain time in your life? What are the most obscure songs/genres/artists you like? What are your least favourite songs/genres/popular music trends? What is the role of music in your life? In society? Do you sing or play an instrument? Write about how this has helped you express yourself? Do you think melody or lyrics ar...

Journal Prompts: Tasks & Errands

Image What are your most pressing tasks? What small tasks can you hope to complete today? What appointments should you book soon? Can you utilize a promotion/discount to make the most of your errands? What must you do soon? What can you delay or delegate? What single task can you accomplish today? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Movies

Image What are your favourite movies? What are your most hated movies you've seen? What movies do you find bad, but have some good aspects about them? What was a great performance in a bad or not-as-good film? What were your favourite movies when you were younger? What are your favourite movie scores/soundtracks/composers? What are your favourite movie characters/heroes/villains? Who are your favourite actors/actresses? What screenwriting lessons/tips can you learn from the movies you like? What movies do you practically know the entire script of by heart? What are your favourite character names? What foreign/obscure/rare films did you enjoy? What are the themes of your favourite movies? What are your standby "comfort food" movies? What classic/older films do you like? How have they aged? If there are dated aspects about them, are they a dealbreaker when it comes to you watching them? Do you prefer watching movies alone ...

Journal Prompts: Love

Image What does love mean to you? When or where do you feel loved (the most)? Who do you love the most? Are there friends who feel like family to you? What forms of love do you feel are underrated? What did people in your life teach you about love? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Gratitude

Image What are you currently grateful for? What have you taken for granted in the past? Did something happen to make you rethink that? What people in your life are the most grateful for? Has someone ever told you how much they appreciate you? How have you responded to someone you are grateful for? When something bad or sad happened to you, what made you count your blessings? What basic things can you be grateful for (food, shelter, safety, heat, etc.)? What "little things" in life do you appreciate the most? Was there a time when you felt un- or under-appreciated? Was that feeling justified? Was it accurate to external factors, or was it more a reflection of yourself at the time? How can you find joy this week? What can you do to tell someone you appreciate them? What makes you happy to be alive? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Memories & Nostalgia

Image What are your favourite childhood memories? What are your least favourite memories? Has time exaggerated or lessened the feelings you have about them? What memories have reached a level of fond nostalgia? Why? What factors idealized them in your mind? Do you think good memories are invariably viewed with rose-coloured glasses? Or can they actually be seen as wonderful as you remember them? Do you think other people have a role in shaping your memories and nostalgia? What images/songs/etc. give you a nostalgic feeling? Do you find yourself idealizing even mediocre or bad times in your life? How? Why or why not? What is a funny story that makes you laugh every time? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Kindness

Image What acts of kindness can you do for others? Be creative. How can you be kinder to yourself? If you can't think of any ways, ask yourself why. When and where are you too harsh with yourself? Write down some loving statements to show acceptance of where you currently are in life. What acts of kindness have you done for others? What acts of kindness have you done for yourself? What acts of kindness have others done for you? Do you believe in "lying out of love" to protect others? Why or why not? How do you view forgiveness? Is it more for the person who did wrong, or the forgiving person themselves? Do you think you or someone else is "too nice"? What is stopping you or them from being more assertive? What acts of kindness had the effect of brightening your whole day?  When you acted out of kindness for someone else, what was their reaction? Did their reaction warm your heart? What can you d...

Journal Prompts: About (You)

Image What are your favourite qualities about yourself? What are your favorite features? What are your strengths? What are your skills? What are your flaws? (And how can you use them for good?) Are there regrets that you still carry? What will happen if you let them go? What are your fears? What can you say or write to combat those fears? What does your best day look like? How would you like others to describe you? How do you think others see you? (And is there any actual evidence to back it up? If not, why do you still think that way?) What do you find beautiful? What does your soul need today? How can you increase your self-worth and self-compassion? Do you think it rests on others or yourself? How can you validate your feelings and emotions? What has surprised you most about your life? Finish this sentence: I am proud of myself for... What are some compliments you've recently been given? W...

Journal Prompts: Animals

Image What are your favorite animals? Choose an animal and write about it. What do you know about it? What are some unique facts?  What are the most unique animals you've learned about? What are your favorite breeds of dog/cat/other animal? Write about your pets, past and present. What can you do to help animals? What animals live near you in nature? Have you ever seen them? What rare animals have been spotted in your area? What do you feel is unique about the love of animals, and the love animals give in return? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Accomplishments & Achievements

Image What have been your favourite past achievements?  What achievements did you feel you worked the hardest on? What have you accomplished all by yourself? What have you accomplished through working with others? Log your accomplishments and achievements (big or small) every month. How do you feel when you look back on them? Do you feel added pressure with your past achievements in mind? Or do you feel able to take on the world? Or both? Or in-between? Do you see an accomplishment as merely a finished task? Or do you love it because it utilized your skills? Explore how you see it today. Do you think that one gets better as time goes on, or do they have to keep working to maintain the same level of skill/quality? What accomplishments/achievements hold special meaning for you, regardless of its quality? When you accomplish something, how should you reward yourself? What are the silver linings in your life's bigge...

Journal Prompts: Art & Creativity

Image What have been your favourite creative projects? What are your favourite mediums and art forms? Are you a museum-goer? What can you do to appreciate local art? What are (or have been) your favourite creative inspirations? How did you feel once you started expressing yourself creatively? What can you do to unleash or further develop your creativity? How do you show your creativity to others? Are you secretive about it or afraid to "show off"? What is the role of art in society? How will you use it for good? Where have you gotten your best ideas? What things help to develop your projects/ideas/inspirations? What has been inspiring you lately? Who are your creative influences? Write about a time when you created something amazing. What creative projects have you been thinking about starting? What has been stopping you from actually starting them? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Work & Jobs

Image What is your dream job? What can you do to move closer to it? What is the worst job you've ever had? What does the value of hard work mean to you? How do you see the role of productivity? How do you think you push yourself? Do you think you can take more breaks? Do you think it's vital for overall productivity? Who was the best boss you've ever had? What are the most valuable lessons they have taught you? How can you lead by example in your workplace? How do you think you've positively contributed to your field? What can you do to help/reward someone you know is working hard? How can you do the same for yourself? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Goals

Image What small goals can you set for yourself today, this week, this month, this year, etc.? What large goal can you break down into smaller tasks/goals? Write them out. What are the craziest/biggest/most ambitious goals you have? What is stopping you from seriously pursuing them? If you were given a month-long paid sabbatical, what would you do? What goals have you successfully achieved? Did the result turn out even better than you had hoped? What can you do today to help achieve/support/encourage the goals of yourself or someone you care about? What positive impact do you want to bring to the world? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021

Journal Prompts: Dislikes

Image What are your most hated foods? What are your least favorite things in the world? Why do you dislike them? How does it reflect on yourself? What are some nagging mistakes you've made? Do they still weigh on you, and if so, why? What can you do to let them go? What do you find annoying? What are your pet peeves? What problems do you feel you cannot do anything about? If you feel this way, why? Did someone tell you so? Or was it conveyed to you more implicitly? What can you do to take action? What healthy ways can you take to release your anger, annoyance, frustration, etc.? How do others handle their dislikes/frustrations/annoyances? What can you learn from them? Copyright © Chynna Moore 2021